Puma Six

PumaChloe – Sixer
Jack – Seconder

Today in cubs we played a game where we take off our shoes and see who can put them back on the fastest.  Today we also got our badges for are sixes.  In my six there is me – Chloe, Sixer, Thady Seconder, Jack and Mia.  We are the Puma Six.

Today we talked about going to Kilruddery on Sunday.  We also played games and talked about what the sixers jobs are.

Today we went to Kilruddery.  We walked up a hill, stopped and ate our lunch and walked some more.  We saw nice views, we also saw horses and dogs.  We walked down the hill, it was time to go home.  We stayed from 1.30 to 5.30, it was a nice day.